All Classes and Interfaces

A layout that positions elements at absolute coordinates (at either their preferred size or at a manually specified size).
Defines absolute layout constraints.
An abstract base class for buttons with text labels.
A base class for transitions that handles duration and the PITA machinery to case return values to the right type.
Adjust the alpha value of a particle.
Represents a single component of an animation.
Executes an action and completes immediately.
Delays a specified number of milliseconds.
Processes a Flipbook.
Used to cancel animations after they've been started.
A base class for animations that interpolate values.
Animates a single scalar value.
Repeats its underlying animation over and over again (until removed).
An animation that shakes a layer randomly in the x and y directions.
Animates a pair of scalar values (usually a position).
Used by animations to update a target value.
Used by animations to update a target value.
Handles creation and management of animations.
Provides a fluent interface for building single chains of animations.
Allows one to specify a group of one or more animations that will be queued up to be started on an Animator at some later time.
Lays out elements in a horizontal or vertical group.
Defines axis layout constraints.
A horizontal axis layout.
Specifies the off-axis layout policy.
A vertical axis layout.
A background is responsible for rendering a border and a fill.
An unordered collection of elements which may contain duplicates.
Encodes and decodes ints and longs to strings in base 90.
Behavior<T extends Element<T>>
Controls the behavior of a widget (how it responds to pointer events).
A click behavior that captures the pointer and optionally issues clicks based on some time based function.
Implements clicking behavior.
A behavior that ignores everything.
Captures the pointer and dispatches one click on press, a second after an initial delay and at regular intervals after that.
Implements button-like behavior: selects the element when the pointer is in bounds, and deselects on release.
Implements toggling behavior.
Tracks the pressed position as an anchor and delegates to subclasses to update state based on anchor and drag position.
Loads our flump library from a binary representation.
A bit vector.
A background that displays nothing.
Arranges up to 5 elements, one central and one on each edge.
Implements the constraints.
A container that holds zero or one widget.
A Box which draws its children clipped to their preferred size.
A transition that fades from the old contents to the new.
Defines a point relative to a box.
A button that displays text, or an icon, or both.
A root that renders everything into a single texture.
Displays a checkbox which can be toggled.
Clickable<T extends Element<?>>
Implemented by Elements that can be clicked.
Represents a one-shot clip.
A noop clip.
Handles encoding/decoding properties to/from strings.
Codec.EnumC<E extends Enum<E>>
A codec for enums which encodes to/from
Initializes the color value of a particle.
Utilities and constants for colors.
A component contains the data for a single aspect of an entity.
A component implementation for a single scalar float.
A component implementation for arbitrary objects.
A component implementation for a single int bit mask.
A component implementation for a single scalar int.
A component implementation for a pair of floats.
A container with a fixed list of children, which client code must assume is immutable.
A background consisting of multiple other backgrounds.
Provides various user interface constraints.
A special layout constraint used by TextWidgets which adjusts only the text size of the widget, leaving the remaining dimensions (icon, insets, etc.) unmodified.
A shared base class for elements which contain other elements.
A container that allows mutation (adding and removal) of its children.
SyncDB related utility methods.
Encodes typed data into a string.
A specialized Value for dimensions.
Detects double taps on a layer, using a threshold time between taps.
Applies friction (drag) to particles.
Encapsulates a single effect on a particle, for example, moving it based on its current velocity.
Handles the rendering of text with a particular effect (shadow, outline, etc.).
Defines different types of gradient fills.
Element<T extends Element<T>>
The root of the interface element hierarchy.
Ways in which a preferred and an original dimension can be "taken" to produce a result.
ElementOp<T extends Element<?>>
Defines a method that applies an operation to an element.
Elements<T extends Elements<T>>
Contains other elements and lays them out according to a layout policy.
Emits and updates particles according to a particle system configuration.
Tracks the state of a single entity.
Fades the new screen in front of the old one.
Blocks keypresses for a native text field when the length is at a given maximum.
For native text fields, transforms text during typing.
For native text fields, decides whether to block a keypress based on the proposed content of the field.
Implements click, and scroll/flick gestures for a single variable (y position by default).
Encapsulates a set of frames and timings for animating those frames.
Flips the current screen over, revealing the new screen as if it were on the reverse side of the current screen.
Lays out elements in horizontal rows, starting a new row when a width limit is reached.
Models the frames of a flipbook animation.
Adds particles to an emitter according to some policy.
Gesture<T extends Gesture<T>>
A base class for Gestures to extend to get some common functionality.
Resolves user touch input in terms of a set of Gestures that are registered with this director.
A node in the history of the current user gesture.
Handles multiple GestureDirectors listening on a single layer.
Handles the maintenance of a canvas image and layer for displaying a chunk of pre-rendered graphics.
Base for widgets that consist of a single glyph.
Applies uniform gravity to particles.
A grouping element that contains other elements and lays them out according to a layout policy.
A view for the hierarchical structure of an Element.
Iterates over the ancestors of an element.
HistoryGroup<T,W extends Element<?>>
A scrolling vertical display, optimized for showing potentially very long lists such as a chat log.
History group of just labels.
A label that exposes the width hint and preferred size.
Maintains a (usually debugging) HUD with textual information displayed in one or two columns.
A stock HUD that provides a bunch of standard PlayN performance info and handles once-per-second updating.
An interface for icons.
Used to apply effects to an Icon.
Contains icon related utility classes and methods, mostly basic icon factories.
Defers to another icon.
A button that uses images for its different states.
A native overlay that simply draws an playn image.
Inflates data encoded by Deflater.
Used to initialize a new particle.
Corresponds to the distances that some rectangular object's edges will be offset when, for example, it is contained in another rectangle.
Insets with changeable values.
A created instance of a Flump symbol.
Provides utility functions for dealing with Instances
An unordered bag of ints.
The main class that integrates the Triple Play UI with a PlayN game.
Handles shared code for transitions that use an interpolation.
Abstracts the process of interpolation between two values.
Facilities for parsing JSON data
Defines application hooks into controlling focus on native text fields.
A widget that displays one or more lines of text and/or an icon image.
Provides utility functions for dealing with Layers
Defines the interface to layouts, which implement a particular layout policy.
An abstract base class for all layout constraints.
Captures the data of a flump library.
Initializers for a particle's lifespan.
Provides logging services that are routed to the appropriate logging destination on the client or server.
Wires the logging front-end to the logging back-end.
Tags a log message with a particular severity level.
Manages the target log levels for a given ident.
A logging back-end that writes to PlayN.
A button that supports an action on a "long press".
Represents a looped sound (i.e.
A noop loop.
Holds a collection of MenuItems, dispatching a Menu.itemTriggered() signal when one is selected and triggered.
Produces an animation for a menu.
Provides a context for popping up a menu.
An event type for triggering a menu popup.
Defines how to obtain the point on a trigger where a menu popup originates.
An item in a menu.
Modes of text display.
A layer that fills a region with shadow and absorbs all pointer, mouse and touch interactions that land on it.
Moves particles based on their velocity.
A convenient controller to play though multiple different movies.
Provides a sound clip that can be played multiple times.
A handle on a copy of a clip.
A platform element that draws on top of the main playn root layer.
Provides access to a platform-native text field, which can be overlaid onto a PlayN game.
Utilities that apply to all objects.
A frames implementation that uses a packed texture atlas and metadata generated by the FramePacker.
A menu that is also capable of showing one page of its items at a time.
Opens the current screen like the page of a book, revealing the new screen beneath.
A custom batch designed for shading particles.
Contains the basic metadata for an array of particles: position, velocity, scale, rotation, birth time, lifespan.
Shared controls for clips and loops.
Plays a movie until it ends.
Handles the process of syncing a databse with the server.
A Protocol.Server implementation that delivers deltas to the server via Net.
Used to decode ints and strings from one big compact string.
Used to encode ints and strings in one big compact string.
Encapsulates a sync request from the client.
Encapsualtes a response from the server.
Abstracts away the sending of a sync request to the server.
Encapsulates a syncing session with the server.
Provides utility routines to simplify obtaining randomized values.
Maintains a reference to a resource.
Provides a mechanism for resolving conflict between two conflicting values in a sync db.
The root of a display hierarchy.
Rotates the view through a 3D transform around the Y axis.
Draws a rounded rectangle with optional border as a background.
Facilitates the rendering of "scale-9" images, that is, images that are designed as a 3x3 grid such that each of the 9 pieces is fixed or stretched in one or both directions to fit a designated area.
A horizontal or vertical axis, broken up into 3 chunks.
A background constructed by scaling the parts of a source image to fit the target width and height.
Maintains a 2D layout of ScreenSpace.Screens.
The directions in which a new screen can be added.
A screen that integrates with ScreenSpace.
A ScreenSpace.Screen that takes care of basic UI setup for you.
Manages a stack of screens.
Used to operate on screens.
Displays and manages the lifecycle for a single game screen.
Implements a particular screen transition.
Direction constants, used by transitions.
A ScreenStack.Screen with an Interface for doing UI stuff.
A composite element that manages horizontal and vertical scrolling of a single content element.
Handles the appearance and animation of scroll bars.
Handles creating the scroll bars.
Defines the directions available for scrolling.
Interface for customizing how content is clipped and translated.
Listens for changes to the scrolling area or offset.
A range along an axis for representing scroll bars.
Plain rectangle scroll bars that overlay the content area, consume no additional screen space, and fade out after inactivity.
Maintains a single selected item among a specified set of Element instances.
Provides a mechanism for resolving conflict between two conflicting sets in a sync db.
Shader related utility methods.
An invisible widget that simply requests a fixed amount of space.
A simple implementation of Frames that uses an untrimmed horizontal strip image.
Provides a simple style sheet that is useful for development and testing.
A group that allows configuring its preferred size.
A widget that allows configuring its preferred size.
Displays a bar and a thumb that can be slid along the bar, representing a floating point value between some minimum and maximum.
Holds the minimum and maximum values for the slider.
Slides the old screen off, and the new screen on right behind.
Manages sound clips (sfx) and loops (music).
Defines style properties for interface elements.
Used to configure Styles instances.
Used to create text effects.
A Boolean style, with convenient members for on and off bindings.
Defines horizontal alignment choices.
Used to provide concise HAlign style declarations.
Defines element modes which can be used to modify an element's styles.
Defines icon position choices.
Used to provide concise Pos style declarations.
Defines supported text effects.
Used to provide concise TextEffect style declarations.
Defines vertical alignment choices.
Used to provide concise VAlign style declarations.
Manages styled text.
Multiple lines of plain (uniformly styled) text.
A shared base class for single- and multi-line plain text.
A single line of plain (uniformly styled) text.
An immutable collection of styles.
Provides style defaults per element type for a sub-tree of the interface hierarchy.
Builds stylesheets, obtain via Stylesheet.builder().
Supplies elements.
A simple swipe gesture in a given cardinal direction.
Defines a Flump symbol.
A database of key/value pairs that is synced (via a server) across multiple devices.
Handles a single concern in an entity-based game.
Provides a way to iterate over this system's active entities.
Lays out elements in a simple tabular form, where each row has uniform height.
Defines a colspan constraint.
A configurator for a table column.
A Composite that implements tabbing.
Defines the highlighting of a tab.
A simple touch gesture.
Detects taps on a layer.
Describes everything needed to style a particular run of text.
A runtime texture packer.
An abstract base class for widgets that contain text.
Handles execution of actions after a specified delay.
A handle on registered actions that can be used to cancel them.
Togglable<T extends Element<?>>
Implemented by Elements that expose a selected state and can be clicked.
A toggle button that displays text, or an icon, or both.
The entry point for per-platform services made available by TriplePlay.
Initializers for a particle's transform (scale, rotation and position).
Makes using PlayN Storage more civilized.
Initializers for a particle's velocity.
Widget<T extends Widget<T>>
The base class for all user interface widgets.
A collection of entities and systems.
Translates pointer input on a layer into an x, y offset.